Whether you are looking toget into the Self-Service Laundry business or are an industry veteran, thisbook offers sound advice that can save you both time and money. Inside you willdiscover secrets that will keep you out of trouble when you buy a Laundromatand ones that can turn an under-performing store into a gold mine.In this book you will learn:* The Basics about the Coin Laundry business* How to Find the Best Locations* How to Select and Maintain the Equipment* Optimum Store Design* Lease Negotiation* Recommendations on Hiring Attendants* Financing a Laundromat* Security Concerns* How Best to Promote Your Business* Managing Strategies* Bonus Online Course for Registering your Bookteaches the following:o Calculate the value of a Laundromato Examine a Laundromat as though you were going to buy ito Techniques to Increase Value and Decrease RisksOperating a coin laundrybusiness isn't difficult, but like in any industry, the costs of mistakes andlearning through the school of hard knocks can get expensive. Brunckhorst's book will help you avoid the landmines andcatapult your coin laundry business to success.