I am a pass holder who passed the exam on 2019 summer.I passed all four exams on first attempt while working full-time.I believe reviewing these notes was the key to pass the exam.This is the CPA summary notes: TAX.The study guide / summary notes contains up-to-date materials till 2019 and is intended to help those who has already read and/or studied the subject.I tried my best to summarize the key concepts and some tricky parts that you must memorize or keep In mind before the exam.I recommend you to go through this summary notes one or two weeks before the actual exam, and work more on where you feel is less confident.I would also recommend this material to who is studying for the CFA (lvl1) exam.I wish you best luck on the exam.※ Please note that this is intended to be printed out on paper. If you try to read the materials via kindle or other tablet, the materials may seem off the screen and difficult to read.