Is capitalism really based on greed and exploitation and socialism the only true way to equality? Doesn’t the Bible prescribe socialism? Aren’t the Nordic countries powerful examples of socialist success? Are you looking for a thorough and authoritative investigation of these hotly contested issues by a highly experienced Ph.D. economist and longtime student of the Bible?In Capitalism Versus Socialism: What Does the Bible Have to Say?, Thomas Simpson:Produces a framework for examining all economic systemsApplies this framework to both CAPITALISM and SOCIALISMIllustrates the connection between SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM and FASCISMLooks at BIBLICAL TEACHING as it applies to the foundations of capitalism, socialism, communism, and fascism.As a bonus, he looks at the modern-day welfare state—including the Nordic countriesThe findings are likely to be SURPRISINGAcquire expertise on these topics, and pick up your copy by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of the page before the price changes.